Ecommerce Nights 2023: Artificial intelligence, networking and rock and roll



The Ecommerce Nights, organized by CAPECE, is returning after 3 years. In this edition the theme of the event was artificial intelligence. We want to share our experience of the evening, which was sponsored by MAKE.

In such a changing world, it is important to be aware of trends. At the event we had representatives from Google, Microsoft, Facebook AND New Relic,, along with important stakeholders such as logistics companies, payment gateways, wallets, marketing agencies, online store providers, and more…

We would like to thank the exhibitors:

“AI AND chatGPT: Opportunities and risks for e-commerce”.
Fernando Cruz, Director of Business Growth at SCHARFF
Marco Luque, Campaigns Manager
Giulliana Cateriano, Commercial Director OPENPAY
Helmut Cáceda, President of Cámara Peruana de Comercio Electrónico

“The Future of Work with Artificial Intelligence”.

Ericka Espino, CEO at MAKE – Content Marketing
Ljubica Vodanovic, CEO of VODANOVIC LEGAL
Helmut Cáceda, President of ¨Cámara Peruana de Comercio Electrónico¨

Learnings from Ecommerce Nights:

  • Artificial intelligence is not a threat, but a tool to streamline processes.
  • The different players in the industry (such as logistics companies, payment gateways, wallets, marketing agencies, among others) play an important role in the ecosystem and for CAPECE it is very important that they are integrated to create a more robust ecosystem.
  • Technology and the evolution of payment methods are driving the country’s ventures. The customer experience in ecommerce as well as the relevance of people and human talent make this delightful experience possible.

Definitely a night with a lot of valuable information, many reflections, and learnings, and in a great atmosphere. See you in the next edition!.

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