The role of copywriters in the age of AI

Elton Gutiérrez


We are currently experiencing a dizzying development in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The quest to replicate the reasoning, learning and decision-making capacity of human beings is one of the most desired goals of this technology. Its application in different areas of work, including content creation, is posing great challenges and significant changes for copywriters.

Challenges and transformations

How is Artificial Intelligence impacting the work of copywriters? One of the most surprising transformations brought about by this technology is the automatic generation of content. Through the analysis of large amounts of data and linguistic patterns, the AI is able to generate coherent and relevant texts in diverse formats and styles: articles, reports, reviews, blog posts, among others.

The understanding of these capabilities has led to concerns that AI will gradually replace human copywriters. Although AI’s incredible copy creation skills are undeniable, creativity, empathy and contextual knowledge remain distinctly human skills that are difficult to replicate. Writers possess the ability to create emotionally engaging content, adapt to specific audience needs, and offer unique perspectives that enrich the text.

A promising collaboration with Artificial Intelligence

AI is not a threat, but a collaborative tool. Its use would allow more and better ideas to be generated when creating content, correcting texts and receiving suggestions to increase the quality of the text. As AI continues to evolve, the demand for quality content will also increase. Human writers will continue to be critical in creating captivating narratives, telling unique stories and communicating persuasive messages.

In sum, we can conclude that the future of writers and artificial intelligence is a combination of collaboration and adaptation. While AI can generate texts that resemble those written by humans, it lacks the ability to understand emotions, intentions and complex nuances. Its approach relies primarily on logic and grammatical rules. 

A human copywriter’s greatest advantage, on the other hand, is his or her ability to explore different approaches, use metaphors and play with language to convey ideas effectively. Your experience and personal knowledge also influence the quality and depth of your writing. These skills are unique and cannot be duplicated completely.

About the author:

Elton Gutierrez is a copywriter at MAKE and has 12 years of experience in the digital world. He studied Literature at the ¨Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos¨. His favorite book is In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. He enjoys writing, trekking and movies.

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