Data & AI Summit: What you should know

Álvaro Cabrera


How data and artificial intelligence impact companies and people? A few weeks ago the Data & AI Summit 2023 was held and in the MAKE blog we tell you the most relevant details of the event.

On April 11th, 12th and 13th, the Data & AI Summit 2023, organized by Seminarium, was held virtually. In this event they talked about applications, advantages and risks brought by the contribution of data science and artificial intelligence.

I share with you the highlights of the presentations:

1. Artificial intelligence at the service of companies

Currently, there are businesses that have coupled artificial intelligence to analyze data monitoring social risks and regulatory laws that may affect their companies, in order to anticipate risks and identify opportunities. These services measure:

  • Social networks (e.g.: calls for political or social marches).
  • Print media (not only traditional media but also local media).
  • Audiovisual media (the main radio stations reach places that are not very listened to).
  • Bills presented and parties that present them.

With these indicators as a whole, companies can anticipate social risks or regulatory laws that may affect them. However, it should not be forgotten that: «Analytics is a tool, but decision making is still an art».

2. Are there risks and challenges of artificial intelligence in social services?

In its presentation, the Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo addressed the risks and challenges of artificial intelligence in social services, for example:

  • Artificial intelligence and its responsiveness is based on the prior registration of millions of data.
  • If this data is biased (e.g. sexist) or based on inequalities (e.g. racist), it will return biased answers and dragging the same inequalities.

The great challenge is to have a regulatory system to guide the responsible development of these tools. Now more than ever let’s remember that «All that glitters is not gold», AI tools are very helpful and amazing, but only if they have an adequate data source.

3. Mercado Libre’s data driven culture

Mercado Libre explained that the way to become data driven has 3 factors such as democratizing data, modernizing the technological infrastructure and developing a culture. To achieve this, it performs:

  • Data analytics services such as Google Analytics, Hotjar.
  • Data exploration tools such as Tableau.
  • It has cloud repositories that allow the storage of information in large quantities. For example S3.
  • Data management and analysis tools such as Big Query.
  • Constant training in internal academies or tools such as Udemy.

This culture is supported by a progressive accompaniment of its data analysts based on a «learning path», where they acquire more and more knowledge and responsibilities.

4. Beware of fake news about artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is applied in many human activities, so we have an abundance of information and, among them, false information.

Currently, the only action taken was to label the information as coming from a «human being» or «coming from an AI» or «assisted by an AI»; however, now the paradigm is changing to indicate whether it is a «reliable source» or not, regardless of the origin. And this is achieved with tools that are placing a score on such data sources.

My conclusions:

  • Before using an AI, companies must first identify the use cases of the need, select and then integrate the most appropriate tool.
  • Ethics must be present to ensure the transparency of the data used as a source of AI.
  • In the framework of social services and in general, IA should be focused on developing fair and responsible solutions centered on people.
  • It is important to always perform regular evaluations of AI and implement improvements and thus provide feedback to the tool.
  • AI allows the generation of new ideas and content, but it does not yet replace the subjectivity of the human being.

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