Privacy Policies

The customer authorizes Modo Beta S.A.C., with RUC No. 20600108639, located for these purposes at Calle Las Camelias 877, interior 302, San Isidro, province and department of Lima, to process the data declared through this channel (hereinafter, the “Personal Data”). The Personal Data that will be processed by Modo Beta S.A.C. will be stored in its current database. Modo Beta S.A.C. declares that any processing of Personal Data complies with the current and applicable regulations on personal data protection within the Peruvian territory.


By accepting this Privacy Policy, the customer gives consent for Personal Data to be processed for an indefinite period of time, and until the customer requests its cancellation or revokes this authorization, for the following additional purposes: Sending the customer commercial, promotional, and/or advertising information related to the products and/or services provided by Modo Beta S.A.C., as well as conducting commercial prospecting. Contact may be made through the following means: social media, email, phone calls, and text messages. Storing and processing Personal Data for statistical and/or historical purposes.


The Customer acknowledges that, as the owner of the Personal Data, they have the right to access the data held by Modo Beta S.A.C., know the characteristics of its processing, rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete, request their deletion or cancellation if they are deemed unnecessary for the previously stated purposes, or object to their processing for specific purposes. In order to exercise the aforementioned rights, as well as to revoke the consent given for data processing for purposes unrelated to the provision of services and/or the execution of the provisions established in the Terms and Conditions, the customer must submit a request (including the name of the owner of the Personal Data, address or means to receive a response, documents proving their identity or legal representation, a clear and precise description of the data for which the right is sought to be exercised, and other elements or documents that facilitate the location of the data) through the email address If the customer believes that their request has not been appropriately addressed, they may contact the National Authority for Personal Data Protection