LADFest Design Festival: Three perspectives on the event



LADFest was held from June 29th to July 1st. MAKE was represented by the talents of designers Berto, Ricardo, and Fernando. They describe their experience of the design festival that inspires creatives in this blog.

1. Berto Villacorta

As time passes and the more we dive into the aesthetic depths of design, something unexpected unfolds in front of our eyes: the whole world becomes a vast canvas of creativity and opportunity. Everything becomes design! And we learn to see, smell, feel and hear design. Even a simple stone in isolation becomes complex by the randomness of its shape, its size or its unique texture, and when it’s  placed in the right damn place, it takes  a superlative role and becomes a fundamental piece in the fabric of a story or a landscape. Each element whispers and communicates in its own way! And so, we find ourselves caught in the maelstrom of questioning: what will be the next step in this madness?

In that enigmatic space where design and art intertwine, we discover a powerful connection. Our mission to communicate leads us to explore different languages, tones and channels to find the perfect melody that makes us captivating and effective. We become virtuous musicians in search of the magic chord capable of vibrating the strings of the heart and mind.

Let me share with you my fun journey over the past weekend. Oh, what a challenge it was to get up early and attend LADFest! This event, without a doubt, happily took over my Saturday, literally my entire Saturday. However, every second invested was worth it. It was a whirlwind of design that gutted both local and international success stories in the air. I was accompanied by colleagues opportunely sponsored by the agency we represent. And, let me tell you that this trip sought not only to clarify our direction as an agency, but also to guide us as designers in an increasingly complex world, where new tools emerge every day, challenging us to be more curious and creative.

And so it was, as if in Miss World style, artists, designers and agencies paraded at the design festival, each one flying their own flag. First, an agency that immersed itself in the development of typography with a deep DNA, others dedicated to illustration in all its forms, and those who mastered the art of 3D modeling with their technological skills.

There were also the brand building experts, a peculiar abstract personal project with interesting interactions, and, of course, the visionaries who showed the direction of their agency and the scope of their talent. There was nothing that the Internet hadn’t introduced us to before, nor that a clever, well-targeted YouTube commercial hadn’t suggested. However, the emotion was different. Nothing beats the certainty of a truth exposed in the intimacy of a face-to-face meeting.

Every hour that passed left me with a valuable lesson or a reflection that cried out to become a reality. Perhaps the most important internal voices were those that shouted in my ear: “Man, don’t waste any more time and keep going!”, “Don’t try to be the best, try to be constant”, “Jack of all trades, master of none” and above all “Trust in yourself”.

It was a beautiful day, full of learning in a charming place. With a historically obligatory and very satisfying visit to the mythical Cordano, emotional encounters with colleagues from different eras and pleasant visuals of our curious fashion sense. As a personal goal, I hope to return again, but this time to contemplate the theater catching the light from above, the excitement of nerves, disharmonious applauses and an early after.

2. Ricardo Fernandez

LADFest is an event where creative minds from all over the world congregate to share their experiences and show us diverse visions of the creative world. Thanks to MAKE I was able to attend the festival, it was an incredible experience that gave me valuable lessons in my career as a designer.

Some quotes that I highlight from the talks are shared below:

“Fail multiple times to achieve the best result: In design, the process of trial and error is critical. It is normal to make mistakes and face challenges on the way to an effective solution. Each failed attempt can provide valuable lessons and help you improve your skills. The secret resides in learning from your failures and using that experience to iterate and improve your designs.”

Porto Rocha

“The only way to perfect at designing is to be constant.  Consistent practice is essential to improve your graphic design skills. The more you practice, the more experience you will gain and the more refined your work will become. Keeping up with the latest trends, learning new techniques and experimenting with different styles will help you grow as a designer and improve your skills.

Over time we develop different styles: Style is a distinctive feature in graphic design. As you become more immersed in the field and explore different techniques and approaches, you will begin to develop your own unique style. This style will evolve over time as you gain more knowledge and experience. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things, as this will allow you to expand your repertoire and find your visual voice.”

María Luque

“The importance of doing what you love to show the world your work and be contacted by big brands: It is essential to find passion in what you do as a graphic designer. By creating work that you are passionate about, you will not only feel more fulfilled, but you will also show your unique style and vision to the world. This will capture the attention of people and, potentially, big brands that may be interested in collaborating with you.”


My conclusion:

Every designer has a unique journey and must find their own path in the world of creativity. Having an open mind, keep learning and never stop exploring new ideas/approaches is the next step.

In design, taking risks is essential to achieve surprising and original results. In this way, we open the door to limitless creativity and bold solutions. Breakthroughs in design often come from a courageous and visionary approach. While mistakes are bound to happen, they also provide opportunities for learning and growth.

And how does Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect the creative world? AI should not be considered a threat to the human factor, especially in a field as subjective as creativity. We can see it as a powerful tool that allows us to empower our work and expand our reach.  

In summary, my experience at LADFest was unforgettable and enriching. It provided me with a global perspective, valuable learning, networking opportunities and the chance to explore new trends. The design festival’s highlights have had a positive impact on my development as a designer and have encouraged me to continue to grow and explore new creative frontiers.

3. Fernando Riega

The Teatro Municipal de Lima greeted me with a contagious energy as soon as I entered. The atmosphere of the design festival was charged with enthusiasm and excitement, with people from diverse disciplines and backgrounds all gathered in the same space.

The event began with a question, “How does AI impact your work?”. The speakers’ responses were diverse, as artificial intelligence is a new tool. However, everyone agreed that it does not replace human creativity.

From my perspective, I believe that when emotions are involved in any type of work, the results are superior to any technology. AI is a tool that we need to keep learning to make the most of it and achieve better results.

The talents who took the stage to share their work and experiences lived up to the event.

The interventions that impacted me the most: 

Bastarda Type (Bogotá): Seb and Jason took their specialized typography studio to another level. Facing the challenge of rebranding the Colombian Soccer Federation, an extremely complex job that involves the fans of an entire country, was quite a challenge. Despite not being a close follower of the sport, they achieved a final result that was a real “goal”.

Yehwan Song (Seoul – New York): With a completely disruptive proposal, he focuses on designing unfriendly websites, far from user-centered standards. His digital creations are authentic works of art, satirizing and caricaturing the overgeneralization of users and website templates.

María Luque (Rosario – Argentina): Her story is a clear example that it is possible to live doing what we like the most if we have commitment, dreams and clear objectives. With great emotion, she shared her path as an artist, which began drawing in a café and continues to exhibit her work in museums and galleries in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico and Spain. Drawing not only taught him to overcome fears, but has also motivated many people to face life, no matter what they are going through.

Joseph Melhuish (London): Joe managed to befriend me into the world of 3D design and presented what for me was the highlight of the day. His style resembles the aesthetics of MTV in the 2000s. With a transgressive, satirical and bizarre approach. He uses virtual reality glasses as a working tool, modeling and texturing with the controllers as if he were a virtual artisan. The result is a party of colors, textures and movements incredibly accomplished. 

Underline Studio (Toronto): Thierry Brunfaut kept our attention with his energetic performance on stage. From his perspective, he shared the best way to maximize work teams, presenting dynamics that encourage collaboration and other key skills that take companies to the next level.

LADFest brought back the memory of how important and impactful our work can be on the world. It was very inspiring and left me with a sense of renewed enthusiasm. Finally, I want to invite more designers to continue attending these types of events, even if they think they can only keep up to date through the Internet.

The truth is that nothing beats the knowledge transmitted from person to person. Attending the design festival and getting to know other professionals in the field is a valuable experience that enables us to learn, be inspired, and advance our careers.

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